Global Market Research Professionals (Global MRP)
Global MRP has over 10 years of experience in data collection makes us one of the industry leaders in supporting quantitative methodologies. We have a nationwide database of consumers and business professionals. Our knowledgeable and trained staff make your research effortless. Global MRP provides industry leaders with a range of innovative research approaches to address critical issues in development, marketing and communication. The quantitative services that we offer include:
Product/Taste Tests
Retail Audits
Internet Data Collection
Mall/Retail Intercepts
Telephone/Online Surveys
Mystery Shopping
Business/Medical Interviewing
Automotive Studies
Let's get your market research project started. Please call us today!
Global Market Research Professionals (Global MRP)
16461 Sherman Way, Suite 165
Lake Balboa, CA 91406
Phone: (818) 453-3737